Recent Event

Main Event 2022: Dear Us


Dear Us


Humans value connection. The energy we exchange is a powerful source that can’t be seen, but could be felt. What happens when these bonds are suddenly cut off? 

Letters are a way for people to come together. Whether they be handwritten or typed, the world we live in has provided us with plenty of opportunities to interact. We convey messages and with them information, stories and emotions. Sometimes it’s even the best way for people to communicate their true feelings to one another. In a time where people are told to keep a distance, these words can make us feel closer to the people around us. 

“Dear”, as in the way we begin letters. “Us”, as in anyone in the world.

Our theme “Dear Us,” addresses everyone through these inspiring talks about connecting to others and ourselves. 

We hope that these messages can inspire you to reflect on what connection truly means. 

Dear Us,

This is our invitation to connect.




今年のテーマ “Dear Us”は、すべての人に向けて、刺激的で心を動かすような話を通じて他の人や自分自身とつながることに触れます。



Dear Us,




13:30 - 17:00

Shibuya Cross Tower 27F | 渋谷クロスタワー27階

2 Chome-15-1 Shibuya, Shibuya City, Tokyo | 東京都渋谷区渋谷2-15-1


Speaker Lineup

  • NAO TAMURA | 田村奈穂

    Connecting Through Designs


  • PATRICK SMITH | パトリック・スミス

    Educator and Content Creator


  • NATSUKO SHOJI | 庄司夏子

    Cake as Unreal as a Jewelry Box!?


  • JENNIFER O'DONNELL | ジェニファー・オドネル

    Connecting English and Japanese


  • KENICHI NAMAI | 生井健一

    A Linguist’s Class on Maintaining a Romantic Relationship


  • ANNIE HOANG | アニー・ホアン

    Advocating Personal Branding



    A Student/Entrepreneur Aiming for a Carbon Neutral Society


Event Flow イベントの流れ

  • 13:00

    Doors Open 開場

  • 13:30

    Event Start イベント開始

  • 14:45-15:00

    Intermission 休憩

  • 15:50

    Event End イベント終了

  • 16:00

    Networking Start 交流会開始 (Optional 任意参加)

  • 17:00

    Networking End 交流会終了




  • This event will be held in both English and Japanese. We will be providing bilingual interpretations.


  • This event is not only restricted to Waseda University students. This is a public event, open to anyone who is interested. However, we have limited slots so make sure to get your tickets ASAP!


  • There will be no dress code.


  • In consideration of the current circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no refreshments served at the event.


  • 他にご質問等ございましたら、info@tedxwasedau.comへお問い合わせください。

    Reach us by emailing us at

Our Partners

Standard Sponsors

日:ロバート・ウォルターズは1985年にロンドンで設立されたスペシャリスト人材紹 介会社です。世界31カ国の都市にオフィスを構え、日本では外資系/日系グローバル企業におけるバイリンガルの転職/採用支援において、20年以上にわたり信頼と実績を築いてきました。

EN:Robert Walters Japan have been a driving force in the Japanese bilingual recruitment market, providing high quality candidates for our clients and access to the best jobs for over 20 years. With offices in Tokyo and Osaka, we specialise in permanent and contract recruitment solutions across all industry sectors.

日:GOGO TOURSは20年以上にわたってオーストラリア、メルボルンで観光ツアー、環境教育サービスを提供してきました。様々な環境保護の取り組みに長年にわたって尽力し、 知識と経験に裏付けされた環境に配慮した楽しめるエコツアーを実施しております。

EN:​​GOGO TOURS has been offering sightseeing tours and environmental education services in Victoria for over 20 years. This family owned and operated business has grown to become recognised in Australia as an extremely experienced, professional, innovative, and successful ecotourism operation that conducts environmentally responsible tours.

In-Kind Sponsors


EN:「Opening the world through Education」を企業ミッションとして掲げ、年齢や国籍に捉われない、あらゆる人が夢を機会やチャンスに変えていく留学プログラムを提供しています。


EN:Peatix is an event and group management service used by more than 8.4 million people for everything from online events to on-site events as a platform to support communities.

日:Tokyo Weekenderは、1970年の創刊以来、海外在住者の生活のもとになっています。バブル景気に発行された無料のタブロイド紙から、フルカラーで隔月発行の光沢のある雑誌、そして毎月何十万人もの読者が訪れるウェブサイトへと進化してきました。現在、TWは世界で最も活気のある都市から、あらゆる最新のイベント、ニュース、見解、インタビューをお届けします。

EN:Tokyo Weekender has been the cornerstone of expat life since 1970. TW evolved from a free newsprint tabloid in Japan’s bubble era to a full-color, bi-monthly glossy magazine and a daily updated website that reaches hundreds of thousands of readers each month. Today, TW brings all the latest events, news, views and interviews from the world’s most vibrant city: Tokyo.

日本初のパワーサラダ専門店 HIGH FIVE SALADは早稲田大学大隈講堂から早大通り徒歩1分の場所にあります!お肉やエビなどタンパク質が全てのサラダに20g以上入っていて5大栄養素が一度にバランス良く得られます。ココロとカラダが元気になって内面から美しくなるサラダをぜひお試しください!


EN:PwC Consulting LLC offers comprehensive consulting services from strategy through execution. In collaboration with the PwC global network we work to resolve complex and challenging management issues faced by our clients, helping them bolster their competitive advantage in the global market.