2016: E-motion
Whether we're listening to a good song, reading a good book, or interacting with friends, emotions are always present in our lives. As symbiotic beings, we have defined society as much as it has defined us. Nowadays, everyone seems to crave constant emotional stimulation provided by technology. On one hand, with the proliferation of social networking services, we feel inevitably connected and closer to our loved ones. But on the other hand, these relationships can feel disconnected and superficial. For instance, you may have 600 "friends” on Facebook, but how many of those people’s birthdays do you really know? The connections we have in the virtual world are not the same as the connections we have in the real world.
To further comprehend this subject, TEDxWasedaU is here to present E-motion: an insight into the real connection of one’s emotions to technology. E-motions structure our lifestyles, and are at times expressed through technology. E-motions have the power to be expressed, are shared and connect people intimately or superficially. We would like to welcome you to join us in order to re-evaluate the meaning of emotions, connections and technology, and how they have changed us over time.
Rick Clemons Make Your Quirk Work
Mitsuo Nakata Spreading the Japanese Culture
Malcolm Field Language and Connection
Soness Stevens Have you ever felt heard?
Yuji Kitano Improvement of Shoulder Stiffness
Zoonie Yamada Power of Writing
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